Friday: Session 31

Speleogenesis and evoluation of karst aquifers including geology, hydrogeology and geomorphology XIII

Invited Chair: P. Bosák, A. Bartsiokas


The antiquity of the famous Beliansk? Cave (Slovakia)
P. Bella, P. Bosák, J. Głazek, H. Hercman, D. Kicińska, T. Nowicki, S. Pavlarčik, P. Pruner


Evolution of Lodowe Spring Cave System in the Western Tatra Mts. (Poland)
J. Głazek, H. Hercman, D. Kicińska, T. Nowicki


Underground streams of Crete
C. Mavrokosta


Andritsa speleocavern, Lerna in Argolida, Peloponnese
E. Koniari, Κ. Ζοupis, B. Karkou, Ν. Αnastasopoulos


The Rio Martino laboratory: cave climatic studies
G. Badino, M. Chiri

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